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Student Organizations

Plan programs, engage students, develop your leadership skills, and it's a great resume builder!
The Leadership Council is the student governing body that ensures Hillel is running smoothly and efficiently.
The purpose of the Hillel Leadership Council, it to create a pluralistic environment that both welcomes and engages as many students as possible to explore and celebrate Judaism. Twice a month, the leadership council hosts town hall meetings where Micro-communities can gather and voice their accomplishments and concerns. A Micro-community could be a Registered Student Organization (RSO) or it could be a group of 8 students that share some common goal or identity.
Hillel Leadership Council
LGBTJew is Illini Hillel's primary initiative for a more queer and LGBTQ-inclusive religious environment on campus!
We host a variety of queer events, including Pride Shabbat, an annual Purim Drag Show, and events for every Jewish holiday. We are also involved in the CU Pride Fest and eat gayke (gay cake)!

UIUC Discussing Israel
UIUC Discussing Israel is an online community of UIUC students that are respectfully discussing Israel.
This could range from what you see in the news, or things you hear from other people, really it is entirely up to you. This is also a place for people to go for information or to ask questions who may not know as much as they would like about Israel! Join the discussion today!

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