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"A community is a gift. It is not something that is given immediately to every college student. Illini Hillel, however, offers that community at the front door, with open arms, a smile and usually coffee and chocolate."
Nava, class of 2021


"I grew up in a place without a large Jewish community and I always felt like something was missing. That's why being a member of Hillel is incredibly important to me. it's given me an amazing community and countless opportunities that I wouldn't have had otherwise."

Irene, class of 2019



planned giving

Illini Hillel has provided students with lasting memories since 1923 and wants to continue to do so for the next generation of college students. If you or someone you know has had great memories here at Illini Hillel, then today is a perfect time to honor those memorable college days by talking to us now about setting up an endowment fund. You will be ensuring that the future of Hillel is bright, so Hillel can continue to offer college students and alumni fantastic programs and networking opportunities for the next 90 years and beyond.
Giving to one of our established endowment funds provides a steady income for Illini Hillel’s programs forever and guarantees stability and security for the future of Hillel on the University of Illinois’s campus.







Some endowments made to Illini Hillel include:


ways to support hillel













FundAllen (Susan Linowes Allen Memorial Fund for the Hillel Foundation)
















The Illini Hillel Cohen Center for Jewish Life Endowment

Hillel (Hillel Director’s Fund)

Endowment Source: Jewish United Fund

Established: Raise additional funds to continue improving the Margie K. & Louis N. Cohen Center for Jewish Life and realize the dream of a modern, new, welcoming Hillel. Continue to support Jewish life on campus for students who will be leaders in our Jewish community.

Note: Donors will be honored on Hillel’s memorial wall.



Endowment Source: Champaign Urbana Jewish Federation

Established: In 1993 by the Linowes family, who may serve as advisors to the Board.

Priorities: Sponsorship of Jewish cultural programs at the UI Hillel Foundation for students, faculty, and others in the academic community. Funding is not to be provided for capital expenditures or to replace monies given to Hillel as a part of their normal CUJF allocation

Distribution of income: Upon approval of application to the CUJEF Board.



Endowment Source: Champaign Urbana Jewish Federation

Established: In 1997 by the Champaign B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundation

Priorities: Provides indirect program support to enhance program potential at the UI Hillel Foundation. The intent is to provide for purchase of non-capital items of hardware or office equipment.

Distribution of income: Upon written joint application by the Hillel Director and the President of the Hillel Governing Board to the CUJEF Board.

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